Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Bandwagon, or a New Start

Seasonal Tragedy, Lifetime of Change

Support the outraged, do not discredit it 

Isom Jacobs

With the recent events that has happened it is hard to ignore the other side of the outraged. To keep it simple I will explain the sides that I am talking about. There are the people who are outraged by an event and then there are the people who call the public outcry a trend. My view on the situation is that in order for change to happen public opinion has to change. These new supporters have to in fact be people who did not care or was not actors in the grand scheme. 

I Think people should be supported when an injustice has be highlighted nationally because injustice happens everyday. For everyone I find there are 100s that I missed. Logic saying there is crime elsewhere everyday is probably by someone who has also done nothing and being a activist never crossed their mind. There is too much injustice to take on all at once. We we have the chance to fight I think we should take a trend into a habit.

I think if I did not want change I think it is important to keep public opinion the same. A great way to do that is by distraction. Lack of media coverage is a great way to keep a lot of people in the dark. When the media has to cover a topic you will almost certainly find a situation of a counter report. I found a report asking, where was the public figures and black activist on the crime in Chicago? Let me add that President Obama was mentioned, and let me also add that he has made comments about the crime in Chicago. However, the president's speech is probably old because crime in Chicago has been around longer than I have been alive. 

The Media is pitching Chicago as if its as bad as it ever been. 

The crime rate has drastically dropped steadily in the last 30 years. I am not trying to excuse the crime now but take a look at how the media is covering Chicago nation wide now. Not locally, the reason why many people from Chicago stopped watching the news is because many people grew up every night with someone being shot. Constant local coverage of shootings over years can really desensitize people. To not be accused of generalizing, I will say as a kid I conditioned myself to not watch the news. I was a kid and how can a kid take knowing that in a few years you will be of age to choose to pick up a gun for the cause of a organization from Chicago. To sum this section, I would say if you package Chicago as if the crime is new then it will feel new. 

Chicago Safer Than Iraq?

My friends from other states are now afraid to come here yet only know of what the media says. That is a problem, I am downtown everyday for work and a lot of rich people walking along side me yet I saw on the news that its more dangerous to be downtown Chicago then in Iraq. That has to be the most misleading information I have ever heard. 

Trained troops are safer anywhere than the average person! I am downtown everyday unarmed, people go to a battle field armed to the teeth. This is one of those cases of misleading by omission by using a relative example. The arctic tundra is much colder than Chicago per year on average, but that does not mean you head to Chicago's beach in December for a tan because its warmer than a frozen tundra. Crime is bad in Chicago, but I think the media is spreading fear more than solutions. We cannot take back our communities if we are afraid of the same community. We cannot stop police from shooting us if we are afraid or discouraged from taking a stand! Lastly we cannot as a individual fight every battle, but as a culture of people we can pick our battle and support the others! The Navy supports the Air Force get it? 

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