Sunday, July 5, 2015

Major Reduction in Migraines!

After the worst season against battling migraines and I mean I was destroyed to the point where I couldn't post nearly as often as I wanted to here but I noticed a big reduction in my migraines since the summer started.

When I got out of college I suffered two migraines lasting for a week. after that I had two more mild migraines in June. What I noticed is a big help is that I have a regular sleeping pattern. What makes this a different from having a bedtime is this is my natural feeling sleeping. I got to sleep when I am sleepy and it seems consistent plus or minus a few hours. I still stay up during the entire night so I will theorize that avoiding the heat might have also done wonders on slowing them down.

I am significantly less stressed since school let out, even though I have unemployment and student loans knocking at my door. The stress I will say took me down greatly. Another factor that could be the case is school diet. 

Is the school the cause of what gives me migraines?
That is one of the major questions that I have. soft drinks are usually available and nothing is really home cooked. If the quality of diet is indeed a factor in increasing the frequency as well as the added stress form college then universities are certainly not doing enough or taking seriously people who have this disease.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Photo of the Day

Stress not related to Migraines

I had a very stressful winter, that has caused me to have many migraines...or was that really the cause.
My first week back I got thee migraines back-to-back days. It may have been the same one but the medicine took away the side-effects of a headache. I have a lot of things to do this summer. I will overcome my fears of doing stand-up comedy, make a living doing photography, create a publication and find a specialist who can do something about these migraines.

By now I should be an expert, but I am more an expert on feeling pain, that was a Drake joke, boom that happened. I can say that I do know at least two triggers that I will be fighting. The summer has it's own lack of structure, either nothing is happening or something always pops up especially being self-employed. So my two triggers are sleeping pattern and eating pattern along with the quality of food.

Having foster kids I sleep with one eye open as some steal and eat all the food that usually keeps me healthy. Now that I am taking a break from college to search for a better living quality I have to focus on health and starting a publication and photography business, but with the unstable living conditions a migraine ruin everything.

However it has been mostly reduced stress this first week back and out of the seven days three were migraines. For anyone who has migraines there are the days of extreme fatigue that follows. I had two productive since I came back home, certainly not a good start. However, I did finish all the photos from the past events and I am free to take on the summer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Photos Coming soon!

Photos from Runway from Chicago and Image Awards for the WIU NAACP chapter.

Runway Show for the Columbia Picture perfect Modeling Troupe in Chicago

Awards show for the NAACP WIU chapter.

I am not sure where I will post these photos, I am going to go with Instagram and my Facebook fan group. I have been too sick to finish the editing but since I have yet another show to do I need to finish the next two shows before this weekend. 

Am I hallucinating?

Another Day of Sickness

So I am in the middle of a cold, migraine and something else that is like cold shivers, overheating and dehydration. The serious confusion plus being half sleep I couldn't figure out if I was hallucinating or just seriously confused.

I felt like the room was full of people, enough take the scarf from around my eyes to check this very small room to verify that I was indeed alone. I was dreaming about solving a problem, the closer I got it, the harder it got and it caused me more pain. Tossing and turning I was eager to go back to sleep to dream and figure out the problem all the while sweating and loosing fluids.

I was sleeping 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. the next day. My memory is reduced and that is very frustrating, knowing I can't work at my full mental capacity.

I don't want to believe it but the dreams I have kinda runs into my reality when I go from waking up to going back to sleep, but the things I feel that is there has nothing to do with my dreams.

On a migraine note, I have been doing somewhat good, migraines here and there, but now the migraines are hitting me hard and often.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Migraines and Depression

Is there connection? I get told that stress does not cause migraines but is depression a trigger? But, then I look on WebMD and my mind was instantly blown! So I will sum up this title and go with what I found. My depression is neatly wrapped around migraines and vice-versa, I see less migraines when I am not depressed, when you see how long I am faced with migraines it will give a better scope on what migraines mean to me and how important it is to over come. 

"WEDNESDAY, May 22 (HealthDay News) -- Migraines and depression can each cause a great deal of suffering," said on webMD website. "But new research indicates the combination of the two may be linked to something else entirely -- a smaller brain."

What the hell, if it was not hard enough that the further I went to college the material gets harder with deeper conceptual focal points. This one search hijacked my post. I went to college for zoology, a challenge for a normal person who was denied all real science classes in high school. 

Being from Chicago as a child I was placed in special education possibly from lower test, but later you would know that the Chicago education is crap, I was taught wrong from he beginning no disability there. 

I had migraines since I was about knee-high to a  grasshopper. I have been depressed since the age of 12 at least. 

"The difference in size -- about 2 percent -- isn't alarming, study authors said, but needs further research to determine if the disparity causes any meaningful health effects," WebMD said. 
Well this gives me more reason to push harder. Both has been a problem with me for me for a long time as if both comes in pairs.

Photo of the Day

A beautiful model who is always graceful.
Photo Taken by Isom Jacobs.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A few new things on the way!

Hello everyone I took a little vacation from blogging but I collected a lot of skills to help me with what I need. Here are some things to look forward to...

I do a lot of runway shows so you will see a lot of these photos in my blog along with my other blog on my methods through Black Book4 on medium on the right side of the blog. This summer more creative and performing arts will be shown.


I will have a publication coming out, first online then in print if all goes well. More information on that will be explained later today, however it is 3 a.m. and I want to get this off my chest.


This will happen a little later on once the summer hits full flow and I will have some sound bites for everyone to listen to.
 This is what we are here for, my Migraine journal. I will start back doing updates, as my migraines didn't stop but I didn't have time playing catch up to do much writing. 

over all I will show the step by step process of the things I am getting into, which has been very fun, even though there were many king sized setbacks.

Struggle in Photography