Monday, February 15, 2016

Computer Screen & Sleeping Pattern Cause for My Migraine

Migraine of February 2016

My first one this month came and is still in effect, but not in the flair mode. So far my strict schedule has kept them at bay. I was more quickly able to noticed some things that I did that may have set them off. I had a constant sleeping pattern and two days of it being off, with the last day of watching shows on YouTube may have caused the problems.

Honorable mention: I got really thirsty for water few hours before the migraines started. I have been so stressed that the new stressed I buried it deep inside to not affect me which could have enough effect on me to also cause problems.

What makes this entry interesting is that this represent my normal life at college where I am up late typing going to sleep late getting up early. Since I wasn't in school I had the ability to stay on a constant sleeping routine. Within 48 hours of it being broken a migraine hits.

Fish Oil
I found on many sites over the years that fish oil helps. I've had a steady diet of fish and I loved it. I fry my fish, and I find the oil is nicely trapped inside the meat and it adds such nice contrasting flavor.
Red Tea from South Africa
That tea I drink often, at first I felt it gave me migraines but I think I am accustom to drinking it. It is my favorite tea.

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